Monday, June 2, 2014

The Family Bed

People have very strong opinions on the “family bed” where parents allow children into their beds.  We did too.

Before we had Tristan, Rocky and I had discussed his sleeping arrangements.  He would not sleep in the bed with us.  We have a rock n’ play to use as a bassinet for the beginning, we have a pack n play to transition him to once he’s a little bigger, then by 6 months we planned to have him in his crib.  His room is on the other side of the house, and for the first few months, we wanted him in the room with us so that we could get to him quickly if we needed to.  Also, until he started sleeping through the night, I didn't want to be stumbling across the house to get to him to feed him.

We finally brought him home after 23 long days in the nicu.  The rock n play was ready, and so were we.  The first night came and it was bed time.  I swaddled him, put him in the rock n play and turned it on.  And he went to sleep!  For about 30 minutes. 

I rocked the rock n play, I held him, I fed him, and put him back in the rock n play, but he wasn't having it.  Finally, somewhere in the wee hours of the night, I fell asleep with him in my arms, my arms propped up and surrounded by pillows.  Night 2- Repeat.  Somewhere around night 3 or 4, I realized this: Sleep is important!  Mama is not happy and cannot function when she doesn’t get any sleep.  So, I talked to Rocky and we agreed to put him in our bed at the beginning of the night. 

Let me pause to say this: We understand the risk of SIDS.  We use every precaution that we can to make sure he is safe.  We use the Snuza Oma+ monitor, which we love.  If Rocky could recommend any one thing to new parents, this would be it.  But sleep is important for Tristan too.  He has to sleep in order to grow and thrive.  And this is the only way we could make it work.

The first few nights, we propped Tristan up on the boppy, but I didn't feel safe with it, because he would wiggle all around on it.  Then, we used his concave changing pad in our bed for a while, because we knew he wouldn’t roll out of it and it would keep us from rolling on him.  Now, he’s big enough that he just snuggles up next to me.  And all 3 of us get sleep. 

Some people say, “You do what works.”  Right now, I enjoy having Tristan in our bed.  I’m away from him 12 hours each day, and the other 12 are taken up with dinner, baths and bed time.  I enjoy snuggling with him, even if he is sleeping. 

The societal “norm” makes me feel like we’re doing a bad thing.  People say, “You’ll never get him out of your bed now.”  But there are other cultures that have family beds for many years after the children are born.  I slept with my parents, my brother did, and Rocky slept with his parents.  We are all fine, functioning adults that no longer sleep with our parents.  I’m sure I won’t have to go to college with him and sleep in his bed.  I hate that no matter what decision you make, people are bound to pass judgment. 

I don’t know at what point we will transition Tristan out of our bed, and I know we will have to at some time, but right now, we do what works!  I enjoy my snuggles, and hey, sleep is important!