Sunday, February 23, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tristan's Size

"Though he be but little, he is fierce."

We had lots of concern throughout the pregnancy about Tristan's size and the growth of his long bones.  Finally, we accepted that we would not get an answer during pregnancy, but we would get clarity once he was born.

Tristan was born at 34 weeks 5 days, weighing 3 pounds 13.9 ounces, and was 18.11 inches long.  He's a small guy!  We were told that they would do chromosomal testing and skeletal xrays once he was born to determine if he had a skeletal dysplasia or not.  The xrays were completed and the doctors acknowledged that yes, his long bones were short, but he is proportionately short.  They are not concerned with a skeletal dysplasia.  They did not do chromosomal testing after the got the xrays back.  They tested for CMV, a virus that could cause growth delays, and it came back negative.  The doctors think that he is just a small baby.

Tanya had my placenta sent off to the lab after delivery.  There were no issues, other than the fact that it was TINY.  It was probably 1/4 the size of a normal placenta at his gestational age.  He had also managed to tie a knot in the umbilical cord, so they think that his size is most likely because he wasn't getting enough nutrition from the placenta.

I was told that I could demand to have the chromosomal testing, or that we could further explore it with his pediatrician after he is discharged from the hospital.  Right now, Tristan seems perfect to us, and Rocky and I are just going to leave things as they are and thank God for the wonderful little miracle that he has given us.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Tristan Lewis Dix

Tristan Lewis Dix made his appearance in this world on Monday, February 10, 2014.

This was earlier than we expected, but we knew that it could really be any day.  I  was 34 weeks 5 days pregnant.  We had done the steroid shots for his lungs in case of an early arrival.  My doctor had said that if we made it to 34 weeks, with the shots, hopefully we would avoid NICU time.  We had met our first goal of 34 weeks.  Things should be good!

Monday morning, I woke up around 5 am to use the bathroom, which was normal.  I shuffled to the bathroom and quickly back to my bed, hoping to fall back asleep.  I tossed and turned for a few minutes, which was also my new normal.  Then my chest started hurting.  I had battled Intrahepatic Cholestasis in Pregnancy and Pre-Eclampsia for about a month now, along with heart burn and indigestion.  This was usually due to either indigestion or my blood pressure.  So, I took a Zantac and checked my blood pressure.  It was high- 152/104.  My doctor didn't like my bottom number over 95.  So, I took my blood pressure medicine and ran a warm bath.  These were my go-to's to get it back down.  Rocky was getting ready for work.  Since these things usually helped lower it, I told him to go ahead and go to work, but to keep his phone on and answer no matter what, if I called.  After my bath, I rested for 30 minutes and checked my bp again.  I was surprised when it was 171/89, since these activities usually lowered it quite a bit.  I tried to rest a little more, but my chest kept hurting me and I felt like I needed to get it checked out.  At 7:41, I checked it again and texted Rocky to come home.  It was 198/120!  I texted my doctor and she told me to be at the office at 9:00, instead of for my regular appointment at 1:30.  We threw some bags together in about 5 minutes and were on the way as soon as he got home.

During the ride to the office, I was in excruciating pain.  I couldn't sit still.  I felt like I was going to get sick.  I told Rocky that something was really wrong, and that they were going to have to do something to fix it. When I got to the doctor's office, Tanya wasn't in yet, but had left instructions for her nurse to take my vitals and call her with them.  The nurse came back to the room and told us Tanya would meet us at maternity admissions at the hospital.  I sat in the admissions waiting room for probably 5-10 minutes, but it felt like hours because of the pain I was in.  They took me back through a different area than when I was admitted to ante-natal a week ago.  They checked my weight, blood pressure and drew blood for labs.

Tanya came to my room, and upon her entering, I heard her say to someone outside the room, "She has severe HELLP syndrome."  I'd read about HELLP while researching pre-eclampsia, but I didn't know enough about it to really know what it meant.  I'm glad now, at that point, that I didn't know more.  When Tanya came in, she said, "Dr. Taavon is in surgery right now.  He'll be done in about 30 minutes, and we will have a baby in about 45 minutes."  I looked at Rocky and said, "Start calling people."

He called our parents, my brother and his cousin, and we sent text messages to our friends.  Oh my goodness, we were about to be parents!

The nurse had me drink this terrible "drink" that is supposed to help reduce the acid in your stomach for the surgery.  As soon as I got it down, it came right back up.  They didn't seem too concerned about it though, and they got me ready to wheel me back to the OR.

Everything else went pretty quickly, except for how long it took them to let Rocky come back.  Tanya came back and was with me the whole time.  She told me that Rocky looked more nervous than I did.  Surprisingly, I felt very calm about everything.  I knew I was in good hands.  The spinal didn't hurt at all.  They finally got everything ready and let Rocky come back.  He sat by my head and I remember us talking through the whole procedure.  I don't really remember what we talked about, but our conversation was very normal and light hearted, especially for what was going on behind that blue sheet. 

They finally said, "He's out, you can come over here dad."  All I wanted to do was see him!!!  Everything sounded like it was going well, especially when Tristan was SCREAMING!  I knew that was a good thing!  Finally, Rocky brought him over to me.  The tears flowed down my face, but I tried so hard not to cry, because I didn't want the tears to blur my vision and me not be able to see him.  He was absolutely gorgeous!  My son was here, and he is perfect.

They told me that they had to take him to the NICU and that I would get to see him again after recovery.  Before I knew it, they had wheeled me into recovery, and all of the nurses were talking about how well I was doing.  I kept asking when I could see Tristan again, and they said as soon as I proved that I could move my legs, they would take me to a room, and I could see him on the way.  So, I moved my legs.  I could move the right one sooner than the left, but it wasn't long.  Rocky came back to see me and told me that Tristan was wonderful.  He told me his weight, and the nurse looked up all of his stats for me.  He was born at 12:23 pm, weighed 3 pounds 13.9 ounces and was 18.11 inches long, and has a head full of dark hair!  

After I left recovery, they rolled my bed into the NICU so I could see my sweet baby boy.  Words cannot express how wonderful he is. 

I had to go to ICU because they put me on magnesium, trying to get my body healthy again.  I was in ICU from Monday afternoon until Wednesday afternoon.  On Tuesday, Tanya told me that my body was worse than it was on Monday.  All of my levels were more elevated and just not good.  She said that we did everything just in time, and had we waited any longer, it would have been very dangerous for me and for Tristan.  It was Wednesday before I looked up more information on HELLP syndrome, and realized that had we waited longer, my organs would have started shutting down.

 There was so much that happened so quickly, and I was on the magnesium, which made me feel... just weird- is the only way I can describe it.  I try to remember all of the details and everything that happened, but some stuff has left me already.

Tristan was making improvements daily and doing better, but I quickly realized that he would not be going home with us when we left.  And the emotional roller coaster started.  I cried every single day... happy tears, sad tears, scared tears, helpless tears, hopeful tears.  I still cry daily, for one reason or another.  But it's getting better.  On Wednesday, a huge snow storm began.  They were calling for 8-12 inches, and we do not get that kind of weather here in NC.  Rocky ran home to get a few things, take care of the dogs, and get back before the weather got too bad.  Tanya told me that I would not be discharged on Thursday, but most likely on Friday.

We sat in the NICU, held Tristan and watched it snow.  It was as peaceful as the situation could call for.  My little family, all together, getting snowed in.  The only thing that would have been better would have been doing it from our living room. 

On Friday, I was discharged.  This may have possibly been the hardest day of my life.  I had to walk out of the hospital without my baby, while he stayed.  Rocky, my brother and I went out for dinner.  I tried my best to have a "normal" time

Each day gets a little better.  Especially since I see Tristan doing so well and making so many improvements.  I truly cherish every minute that I get to hold him and spend with him.  Having him lay on my chest is my absolute favorite thing in the whole world.

Rocky and I cannot wait to have our sweet boy home with us and to start our lives as a family, all together. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mile 11

Today is 34 weeks!  We made it to our first goal!!!  The count down is on now!  We will have a baby in 21 days or less!!! (As long as nothing in my labs change before then)  I will find out our exact delivery date tomorrow at my doctor's appointment.

Today, my emotions have been in full force.  Everything is making me cry.  Even the good stuff!  Maybe it's everything that I've experienced, all built up. 

I started thinking about this pregnancy and comparing it to my half marathon that I ran almost a year ago.  I've made it to Mile 11.  Less than a 5k left.  I've already ran over 3 5k's so far in this race... surely I have one more left in me.

Everyone has told me, all along, how good I am doing through this pregnancy.  I truly appreciate those comments, but honestly, until today, I haven't felt like I've done much.  Other than research, try to stay positive and try to hold myself together, I felt like I haven't done anything.  I felt like I can't make my body do what it needs to do for this baby.  But today, those thoughts have changed.  I HAVE researched and tried to do everything possible that is best for this baby.  I HAVE held it together.  I HAVE learned strength and patience and perseverance through this pregnancy, although I thought I already had plenty of each.  I have made it to Mile 11 of this race.

I say Mile 11, because I remember my half marathon like it was just yesterday, even though it was almost a year ago.  You can read all of my lengthy details of my race recap in my old blog here.   At Mile 11, I knew I was almost at the end.  We came upon this older lady that was singing out loud.  She apologized for being crazy and singing but said it helped her.  My friend, Shannon, told her that she liked her singing, and the woman broke out into "We Are the Champions."  It was such a powerful few moments of the race.  We joined in signing with her.  Right around that point, we rounded our last corner and knew we were on the last stretch of the race, and it was all straight ahead from there.

I thought about this comparison with this pregnancy today while I was in the shower.  I sang, "We Are the Champions" and cried all at the same time.  I have made it this far!  We're not sure how many more days we will make it... We're hoping for between 36 and 37 weeks, but we've made it this far!  I don't know if this race will end at 37 weeks or sooner, but I've made it to the ever gratifying Mile 11!

We will have a baby in 21 days or less, and as excited as I am, it still seems very surreal at times.  I want him to stay in as long as possible, but I'm ready to meet this sweet boy!  Our end is just up ahead.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Hotel Hospital

Patience is a virtue... or some crap like that!  I've said this before, and I'll say it again.  I've always heard that you shouldn't pray for patience because God doesn't grant patience; he gives you trials to build patience.  Well... God, that wasn't me!!!  Wrong person!!!  I didn't pray for patience!

But, wow, has this pregnancy tried to teach me patience!  Maybe that means I'm going to need more than what I had once Tristan gets here.  I'm gonna have my hands full!  Haha!

So, I had my regular 2nd doctor's appointment of the week on Friday.  Things were looking good, until they took my blood pressure.  It was 154/105.  Not good.  They don't like for the bottom number to be over 100.  The nurse said she would re-take it at the end of my non-stress test and see if it had gone down.  Nope, 154/114.  I knew it had been up since last weekend, but I hadn't seen it this high, and it hasn't been this high at any of my appointments.  So, after seeing Tanya, she told me to go home, grab some lunch and my stuff, and come on back to the hospital.  I asked if this was for the duration of the pregnancy, or just a day or two.  She said she didn't know.

When I got here on Friday, the gave me a gown and a cloth to wipe my belly, just in case I had to have a c-section. got real.  I mean, I've known the whole time that this was an option... but I wasn't planning on it right then.  Sometimes, even though I feel Tristan move, and see my belly getting big, and the nursery is (mostly) ready, it is still very surreal that very soon, we will have a baby.  Some fear set in right then.

Once I got settled, they drew blood for the bile acid test.  This is one of the most important ones with cholestasis.  We had already done regular labs at the office that morning.  They hooked me up to monitors to keep an eye on Tristan's heart rate, and they started me on a low dose of blood pressure medicine.  Then, we waited for lab results.  And waited, and waited.  Oh, by the way, my wonderful friend, Marissa gave me this tip... if you're in the hospital for any amount of time, ask for the egg crate thing for the mattress!  It really does help!  She was a life saver!

Saturday was spent mostly waiting.  I saw Dr. Taavon Saturday morning, but he didn't really have anything to update me on.  Through Saturday, they noticed the bp meds were working too well and my bp was getting too low, so I think they lessened how much they were giving me.  We THOUGHT we would have bile acid results back and that we would get to see Tanya to hopefully discuss our plan.  More of that patience building on Saturday.  My dad and his girlfriend, and our cousin came to visit on Saturday (although I didn't get to see her, because she brought her 18 month old with her and they wouldn't let her in due to flu season), but it was otherwise fairly uneventful.  We did finally get called down for an ultrasound, which I THOUGHT was going to be our growth ultrasound.  The tech was clueless.  I may or may not have called her Wack-a-do.  I hate to be mean, but I seriously don't know if she could have told me her name if I had asked her to.  I asked if she could give me his foot measurement, because there is a correlation between the length of the foot and the length of the femur in the leg, in skeletal dysplaisas.  She didn't know how to measure the foot.  Then she said that I wasn't there for a growth ultrasound.  She called Tanya to double check.  Tanya WAS going to have her do all measurements, but when she told Tanya that she had never measured arm bones and wasn't sure how to, but she could try... Tanya just told her never mind.  So, hopefully today (Monday) I will get to see the specialists again and get the growth ultrasound done.

I finally got to put real clothes on Saturday evening, instead of the raincoat gown they gave me on Friday.  It is supposed to be a moisture wicking material that removes the sweat from your body.  Obviously, whoever made those has never been a runner or any type of athlete that actually wears moisture wicking materials.  That thing was TERRIBLE!!!  It made me sweat like a pig and it felt like a shower curtain.  I also got to take these lovely compression leggings off, except for when I sleep.  They are hot too!

Super Bowl Sunday... spent in the hospital.  Not exactly how we had planned it.  We finally got the bile acid results back.  They were at 25.  Anything over 10 is high, but mine have been in the 40's before.  However, these were taken on Friday, so it could have changed.  And my itching has increased tremendously.  I seriously wanted to claw my skin off at one point.  They gave me something similar to benadryl for the itching.  Tanya said there's nothing that really helps with it, but it would make me sleepy and if I slept, hopefully it would take my mind off of the itching. 

This came with my lunch!

Tristan got his first football!  Now I have to save it for him and tell him the story of how he got it.  I mean, dang, I would have just bought him a football if that's what he wanted! :)

Dr. Taavon and Tanya both came by yesterday.  Since they have had Tristan on the monitors, they noticed he is having long periods without as much acceleration as they would like.  Tanya said that typically babies around his age sleep for about 45 minutes at a time.  His hear rate is remaining steady and very good, they are just seeing periods of 3-5 hours without a lot of movement and acceleration.  This could just be his normal pattern, or it could be caused by the cholestasis.  It's another one of those things that we just don't know.  They want to watch him a little longer because of it though. 

This part is scary to me, because they know that decreased fetal movement COULD mean that the cholestasis is getting to a dangerous level.  So could increased itching and increased bile acids.  But, Tanya said that so much of that is NOT measurable.  Like, how much did people's itching increase?  And it's all relative.  So, being here has sucked, but I'm glad that they are keeping such a close eye on Tristan.

My bp jumped yesterday afternoon to 137/99, and this is with me on the meds.  So, I'm not sure what Tanya will say about that today.

We did still have our Super Bowl food last night! :)  Rocky went out and bought spring rolls for us to share, wings for him, and grilled chicken strips with wing sauce on the side for me.  We watched the game in the room and he stayed with me again.  He has truly been wonderful throughout this whole experience.  He has taken excellent care of me and made sure that I didn't need or want anything at any time.  I told him if he's as good of a daddy as he is a husband, we're going to be alright!

I woke up early with him this morning.  He had to get ready and go into work, at least for a little while, since he had to leave early on Friday too.  He has a few things he has to get done and then plans on coming back.  And with as much waiting as we've had to do so far, I told him I'm sure it will be a while before we know anything today anyway.  There is a possibility that we MAY go home today... but then again, they could continue to keep me here for monitoring.  Like I said, it sucks being here, but I know they're keeping an eye on the baby, and knowing that he is okay gives me a peace of mind.  I think they're going to do more labs today, and HOPEFULLY get the growth ultrasound done, so maybe we can develop a plan and know what the future holds for us.  We'll be 34 weeks on Wednesday.  That's been our first goal for a while now.  Ultimately, we would like to make it to 37 weeks, but we're not sure if my body is going to cooperate.  Dr. Taavon said that if we have him at any point now, it will be certain NICU time for Tristan, but it's not a life or death situation.  He's okay with how far we've made it, although we're happy with each day that we make it a little further.

So, all weekend I've been trying to give updates, and people have been asking, but there really isn't but so much that we have to update people on.  So much of it is wait and see, and things could literally change at any point depending on test results and the monitoring.  We have received an outpouring of love, support and prayers through this time and through this whole pregnancy.  That really means so much to Rocky, Tristan and me.