Friday, December 6, 2013

How I Get Through The Tough Days

I realized yesterday that I mostly write about my hard days- the ones that are tough to get through, that I struggle with.  I don't often write about the good days, unless it's something really over the top that I want to share.  For me, writing and blogging is therapeutic, and I don't really need that on the good days.  So, I'm going to make it a point to start sharing the good stuff too! :)  To start, here's my weekly bump picture from Wednesday!

Rocky says each week as he gets ready to take the picture, "It's no different from last week."  But then, I compare it to the picture from the week before, or a few weeks before, and prove him wrong!  Here's this week compared to last week.  I see a big difference!

But back to my topic at hand.  Yesterday was another tough day.  I don't know what makes some days harder for me than others.  I guess that's just the way life goes.  The day before yesterday, I worked both jobs and yesterday I was completely exhausted, so I'm sure that didn't help my mood our outlook on things. 

Here's my disclaimer before I go any farther.  I am one of the most open minded people you will probably ever meet.  I'm always up for a good discussion, pending that the other person can be respectful and not forceful with their beliefs or opinions.  I never try to make anyone else feel that my beliefs or opinions are right or are the only ones out there.  I just ask that the other person do the same.  Because everyone does not practice this, I typically shy away from those tough conversations about religion, politics, general beliefs, etc. 

I am a Christian and I believe in God.  I think my faith and belief in God is the only thing that has kept me sane so far, and I know I will continue to rely heavily on it throughout this pregnancy, and the rest of my life.  Now, I don't go to church every week (sometimes not even once a month).  I do drink occasionally (not since I've been pregnant, of course.... and sometimes I could use a good beer or glass of wine!) and I tend to use bad words from time to time (they just help me get my point across so much more effectively, haha!).

I honestly don't know how people that don't believe in God, or a higher being/power, make it through life, especially the struggles and hard times.  If I didn't feel like there was a greater purpose behind everything, I would probably lose my will to persevere some days.  I feel like every single little thing in life leads us to where we are in that moment, and to where we are going.  It's like the movie, The Butterfly Effect.  If one tiny thing was changed, it would alter the entire outcome of everything.  So, we have to accept the things that happen, and know that they are for a purpose. 

So, that's what I've been doing.  Turning to God.  Especially on the hard days.  I know I should turn to him in the good times and the bad, but I especially need Him through the bad.  I'm working on letting go of the stress and trusting and believing in Him in all aspects of my life.  I've been listening to the Christian radio station, KLOVE, on the radio a lot lately.  Hearing those songs can really lift my mood and spirits.  They are a good reminder to me of the things that I already know- God is in control, it is all according to his plan, it will be okay. 

So, that's how I make it.  One day at a time.  Give it to God.  Know that He is in control, and that's why I can't be. 

If you need a little bit of encouragement, uplifting, or just want to hear an amazing song, click on this link.  I tried to post the actual video, but couldn't get it to work.  I was at the church service the day Jennifer sang this.  I got such a blessing out of it, and I listened to it again this morning and it had the same effect, all over again.  I hope you enjoy it!

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