Well, the past few days have been kind of tough. I think the anxiety of all of this waiting has built to its limit. I've started swelling, which I'm sure has something to do with the second job and being on my feet so much. My back hurts a lot. I went to the chiropractor on Wednesday, and ended up being bruised from it. Rocky wasn't happy about that at all, but my back feels a little better. I'm supposed to go back Friday, so I'll see what the chiro says and make sure he doesn't do too much to cause bruising again. My hands have started tingling and going numb. Mostly at night and I'm sure it's because I sleep with my arm under my head. But it's also causing them to hurt, and I think I may be developing carpal tunnel because of it. And I can't get comfortable and sleep in general. Just great! I feel like I have almost no time left in the pregnancy- just two and a half months- but that is wayyyyy too long for me to be entering the miserable stage of pregnancy right now!!!
I'm sure my attitude has the most to do with the way I've been feeling. I'm so ready for the morning to be here, but now that it's tomorrow morning, I'm kind of wanting to put it off. I've waited for what feels like sooooo long for tomorrow. And at the same time, I just want a little longer to not know, just in case it isn't news I want to hear. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before, I'm completely fine with a healthy achondroplasia diagnosis. I just hope, wish and pray for no additional complications. Rocky still hasn't accepted the news that we may get tomorrow, so I worry about how that will go. I'm also still trying to prepare myself that we may not (and probably won't) have all of the answers tomorrow. I've done my research, and I've said my prayers. I feel like I'm as prepared as I can be for tomorrow. So for now, I'm going to try my best to get some rest. I'll post updates tomorrow as soon as I can.
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