Thursday, January 16, 2014

And The Specialist Says...

They're still not very concerned.  This is great news!

Rocky says I can't accept good news, though.  That's not it at all.  I don't want to get my hopes up.  His long bones are still measuring short... and they've fallen further behind than they were at the last appointment.  The doctor (a different one this time) said that Tristan isn't displaying other signs of skeletal dysplasia.  My concern, though, is what is making his measurements short?  Can they really be that far behind if he's just going to be a not tall person?  His head is measuring in a "normal" range and most of his short bones are "normal" too, so it looks like it's just his long bones that are small... not everything overall.  And they're not concerned with IUGR, as my fluid level looks good, the placenta and umbilical cord look good, and the flow of nutrients and blood to and from him all looks good.

At the December appointment and today, his femurs are measuring less than the 3rd percentile, and all other long bones less than 5th percentile.  In December, his bone measurements ranged from 1w2d behind to 3w6d, with most of them falling around 2.5-3 weeks behind.

Today, his bone measurements range from 1w3d behind to 4w5d behind, with most of them falling around 3.5-4.5 weeks behind.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

I want good news.  I need good news.  I'm ready for good news.  It just doesn't logically make sense in my mind.  How can they be that far behind and still be "normal"?

The doctor made a follow up appointment for 4 weeks, but I'm not even sure if I'll still be pregnant at that point.  He did tell me that some children aren't diagnosed until birth, or even later on down the road.  I'm going to discuss all of this with my regular doctor Monday and get her input.  

Good news that I will accept is that he is weighing in right at 3 pounds!  Grow, Tristan, grow!  

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