She said everything with him looks beautiful, based on the nst. His heart rate is good and the fluid levels are still good.
Based on all of my labs, she thinks I'm developing both pre-eclampsia and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (icp). ICP is a pregnancy related liver disease and pre-e is basically elevated blood pressure that can lead to much more serious things. Those are my own personal medical definitions of each, so take that for what it's worth. It's very rare for someone to develop both of those simultaneously in pregnancy. Also, I'm still quite early in my pregnancy to begin experiencing these symptoms. The biggest risk of ICP is stillbirth, and that is usually related to elevated bile acids, later in the pregnancy. Mine are already starting to elevate. She prescribed me a medicine to help my body eliminate the bile acids, since my liver isn't doing a good job of that on it's own. I'm 29 weeks 2 days, today. They don't let people with ICP go past 37 weeks, to prevent stillbirth.
So, if we make it to 37 weeks, we'll be doing fantastic. She said she predicts something more along the lines of 34 weeks though. So, we're probably having a February baby. His due date is March 19. Monday and Tuesday I will do steroid shots to help develop his lungs. It takes 48 hours for the steroids to work, so after Thursday, he will be "ready" for delivery at any time. As ready as we can make him, I guess. She said that a baby at 32 weeks with the steroid shots can do as well as a baby at 34 or 36 weeks without them. We're trying to prevent NICU and ventilator time. We may do another round of steroids later, depending on how everything goes. With the steroids, we have to watch my sugar, because it can make that go up.
I will see Tanya twice a week from now on. We will do weekly nst's and ultrasounds to monitor his growth and fluid levels. We will do labs at least weekly. If at any point, any of my lab levels shoot up, she will admit me to the hospital, until delivery- how ever long that may be. She also gave me a few symptoms to look out for and to call her immediately if I experience. Next week will be my last week of work until after delivery.
We still don't know what's going on with his long bone growth. She's hoping my follow up with Dr. Decker (the specialist) on the 17th will give us more insight there. IF Dr. Decker isn't concerned and if he doesn't show frontal bossing and increased chest size (both typical, but not ALWAYS seen in achondroplasia) and IF I make it to 37 weeks, I can still try for a vaginal delivery. But if any of those things should go awry, it's a c-section for us.
It's been quite a bit to take in. However, I feel like I'm in good hands, and they are doing a good job monitoring everything very closely. At least now, we know what we're looking at and what we can do to keep both me and him as healthy as possible. And that gives me a little peace of mind. Things could change at literally any minute, but right now, we're good, and I'm good with that.
Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers! Keep them coming! We've got a baby to keep cooking for as long as we can!
It sounds like you're in great capable hands. I think of you often!!