Thursday, May 1, 2014

Where I'm Buying Diapers This Week

I posted last week about the diaper deals that I had found and got good response.  I'll try to make it a point to update on here whenever I find a good deal. 

Here's what I just bought.  4 packs of Luvs diapers for $6.25 eoach.  And here's how:
Dollar General has Luvs for $7.50 each.  Through tomorrow, they have a promotion for Proctor and Gamble products, where you spend $20 and get a $5 savings on your next trip.  Buy 3 packs in one transaction and get your $5 coupon, then buy another pack with the coupon. 

Most store brands typically run $6 for the same size pack, so I don't mind spending a quarter more for the brands that we really like.

You can do the same deal with pampers if you have enough $1.50 coupons for each pack that you get.  They are regularly $9 at Dollar General, and the coupon makes them $7.50, just like the regular price for the Luvs.  Dollar General (as best as I can tell) does not carry size 1 or 2 in Pampers.  Get your $1.50 coupon at  Once you print the current one, it will not let you reprint from the same account.  They typically overlap each other though, so I have some from the last offer that are still good through the end of May, then was able to print some from the new offer.  Or you can have someone else get an account (wink wink) and print theirs and give them to you. 

I'd love to hear of your great diaper deals!

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